The 4 Best Tips for Proposing

a person holding hands together

A marriage proposal is easily one of the most profound and beautiful moments in your life. It’s a time where you find yourself on bended knee and readily popping the big question to the person you’ve found in this crazy life that you’re confident you want to spend the rest of your life with. The sheer magnitude of the moment can quickly create tidal waves of intense emotions. If you haven’t done the necessary groundwork to ensure that everything’s planned out perfectly, things can get out of control before you know it.

Thus, making sure that you’ve done all your homework and put yourself in the best possible position for the actual proposal is absolutely essential. You can’t put a price on the value of peace of mind. Fortunately, we’ve rounded up a quick and dynamic collection of proposal tips that you can take with you on your own exciting journey to propose to the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

1. Make sure that the engagement ring is insured.

The process of securing the right engagement ring is huge. Whenever there’s jewelry involved you want to double down on your efforts to make the actual purchase of the engagement ring a foolproof investment, whether you’re buying new or antique jewelry for your sweetheart. To accomplish this, you’ll have to spend the extra money on engagement ring insurance. The last thing that you want to ever end up dealing with is realizing that the beautiful diamond ring, the perfect engagement ring for your partner, has been damaged and that there’s no insurance policy attached to that one-in-a-million diamond engagement ring.

To say that a damaged diamond ring (or any engagement rings for that matter) that doesn’t have the backing of any ring insurance is heartbreaking, is almost an understatement. Money still doesn’t grow on trees, and you’ll only set yourself up for stressing more often than you ever need to in the first place if you’re not sure that the precious diamond ring is protected. So, make sure that you spend that extra money on the ring insurance for whatever piece of jewelry that you decide is best for your partner. You’ll only stand to benefit your future self. Your partner might feel like they have their own peace of mind, and whole lot less pressure not having to worry about breaking or losing a ring that doesn’t have any insurance attached to it. Avoid that type of loss by insuring a valuable item like the gemstone you bought for your love.

2. Practice like crazy before the big moment.

Nerves are inevitable when it comes to experiencing the big day that you plan to propose to your partner on. Thus, an aggressive amount of practice is instrumental in setting yourself for success. Just like you might’ve rehearsed off of notecards for the big presentations during your academic years, you can apply that effective practice to readying yourself for a proposal. In addition to rehearsing before the actual proposal day arrives, you can also pair that with a calming practice like meditation. By merely taking 5-10 minutes out of your day on a regular basis to follow your breath inward and outward, you can begin to reap benefits very quickly. Some of these benefits include lower blood pressure, sharper focus, and even improved memory. Plus, your ability to navigate the tumultuous internal storms of anxiety will be vastly improved. These are all boxes that you want checked for when it comes to trying to calmly propose to your partner. So, you might as well give meditation a try.

3. Run your recon work by talking to your partner’s friends and family.

While you naturally want the communication between you and your partner to be in nothing but the healthiest of places before a proposal, there’s always the potential that the two of you haven’t covered everything. There can be certain honest insights that are temporarily saved for conversations with friends. Maybe your partner has discussed how they really feel about a proposal with one of their closest friends, but the two of you haven’t necessarily broached the subject. Thus, making the effort to pick the brains of your partner’s friends can end up being a very helpful process to avoid any kind of premature decisions. Maybe your partner isn’t ready. Or, maybe they’ve been eagerly awaiting your proposal for months.

You might even be able to gain a better grasp on what wedding ring they like the most. Your partner very well could’ve told their friends that they’ve always dreamed of owning a certain wedding band since they ever laid eyes on the piece of jewelry in the first place. The good news is that talking with your partner’s friends about the engagement ring is the best way to erase any lingering doubts that you might have floating around over whether or not you purchased the right wedding ring. It’s always a good idea to do all the homework that you can before you give the jeweler all of that money.

Again, don’t forget to lock down that jewelry insurance after you’ve confirmed that it’s the right time for a proposal. Any fine jewelry that doesn’t have insurance is just a walking liability. You could also even throw in a jewelry box as an extra gift in addition to the engagement ring if you end up having the finances to support such a thing.

4. Get creative with the proposal location.

You might have a partner who always seems to sniff out any surprises that you try to put together for them. If that’s the case, you’ll have to think outside of the box for throwing them off the scent of your proposal plans. An easy way to do this is to incorporate the proposal into a trip for the two of you. Take your partner somewhere new. You can finally travel again now that the Coronavirus is gradually fading from view. A great place to start for a scenic trip could be Beaufort, South Carolina.

There are tons of fun and entertaining attractions in Beaufort, SC. You might play around with the idea of exploring the beautiful wetlands with all of their natural wildlife and exotic birds. Or maybe you’ll find yourselves sinking into a blissful state of relaxation at the Sands Beach. The beach certainly isn’t a bad place for a proposal while you’re at it.

We’ve provided a quick rundown on some of the essential tips you’ll need for proposing. No proposal was ever perfect. You’re not on the hook for finding the perfect ring. You’re not responsible for paying off the weather gods to ensure that the weather is sunny, and backed by a soothing breeze. However, you can approach the milestone event with planning, and set yourself up for minimal stress and success. It’ll mean the world to your partner. You’ll also be able to look back on the moment as nothing less than a cherished memory.
